Monday, January 3, 2011

An amazing collection of Justin Bieber status updates. Couldnt find a girl… Ooops, guy better than Bieber.

Justin Bieber - Funny Facebook Status update

An amazing collection of Justin Bieber status updates. Couldnt find a girl… Ooops, guy better than Bieber.


The world has a lot of unknown stuff . I mean is Pluto a planet? Is Justin Bieber a girl?

You smile, I smile; You laugh, I laugh; You say Justin Bieber’s gay, I push you in front of a train. End of story :)

Dear Canada, We will keep Miley Cyrus. But only if you take Justin Bieber back. Love, America :D

Our generation will be known for sparkly vampires and Bieber Fever.

I love a boy who talks to swans, slams into revolving doors, blows up people, flirts with teachers, and raps about malls. I love you Justin Drew Bieber.

‘Cause honestly, the truth is that you know I’m never leavin’, ‘Cause you’re my angel sent from above!’ :)

*Mum said*Awe that girl has the sweetest little voice *You say* Err mum…That’s Justin Bieber.

What’s the difference between a water bottle and puberty??? The water bottle hit Justin Bieber first!

Was diagnosed with Bieber-fever last night. The Good Thing is. They don’t have a CURE!! ♥ J.B ♥

I named my homework Justin, so if my teacher asks I can say “I did Justin Bieber and it was hard” ;)

I wish we had another time,i wish we had another place but everything we have is stuck in the moment! Justin Beiber ♥ :)

Wonders if Justin Bieber is just Canada’s way of trying to kill USA.

We all know that Lady GaGa needs to give Justin Bieber his balls!

Edward Cullen can keep you cool during the summer, Jacob Black can keep you warm during the winter, but Justin Bieber can steal your heart whenever.

Says like this status if you like Justin Bieber! I need to know who to delete ;-)

If Lady GaGa met Justin Bieber, she’d probably try to wear him.

Girl: Justin Bieber sound like a 4 year old girl…..Boy: HEY!! my sister is 4 and has a deeper voice then him!!

I’m in love with a boy who has the voice of an angel, crashes into glass and get hurt by water bottles. Can you guess who it is?? ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

K so i got a magazine and my grandfather said… aw look at that cute girl on the page! I was like that’s JUSTIN BIEBER!! Does anyone know anything??

Has a headache because he was listening to Justin Bieber on Full Blast on his iPod! I guess That’s Bieber Fever! ♥

Justin Bieber, please do us all a favor and sing like a GUY for once.

Justin Drew Bieber – the greatest three words that could ever be spoken ♥

That should be me, feeling your kiss. That should be me, buying you gifts. This is so wrong, I can’t go on till you believe that should be me. :(

Spell SEXY: J-U-S-T-I-N B-I-E-B-E-R

Spell GAY: J-U-S-T-I-N B-I-E-B-E-R

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